We Go On...
We go on… Hmmm. As though there were another way. The SSPG ‘s resurgence is assured after a walking meeting with Chip and Jonathan this last Sunday. I posted this message to the group…
“Chip, Jonathan and I sauntered around midtown couple of days ago. We ended up discussing the SSPG and its future and concluded it is definitely a force for good in our pursuit of this elusive art form. Whatever our personal take on what we are doing individually the group is and has been instrumental in helping us move forward. We are a bunch of folks who move around a lot so we have to be flexible from the outset.
The up shot is a general "print review" once a month starting in July 2022 extending to June of 2023. Same price as before, $650. Each individual will schedule one on one sessions with Chip whenever both parties agree. The monthly print review will be no more than 6 prints from each participant. We'll meet at Chip's apartment unless health conditions force alternate action. Our discussions concerning book making will continue and other topics will be discussed through the year. We need to get back in the saddle.
This space will be used as always, almost never finished work but a running record of what we photograph. "Liking" etc. is OK but how someone's photographs strike us in terms of the craft might sponsor more insightful comments. At this stage I doubt we'll hurt each other's feelings much.
We need to make a decided effort to go together to see other work... maybe not all photography. (Personal comment here). What we're doing is important and the work of like minds regardless of medium, can only help us.”
I am convinced that we need to embrace the decisions painters, sculptors and other artists make adjunct to those of photographic print makers. I keep this mantra before me: “Art is what artists do.” “Artists are those who say they are artists or behave as artists.” There is no need for complexity, that comes from actually doing the work.
I’ve been working on a book. It celebrates eclecticism, and would have to, given the photographs I make.
The book is an unusual shape and because of that it’ll have to be a handmade, hand bound piece. I’m
looking at 5 in the edition to begin with and an upper limit of 25.