Some of it, all of it... ?
Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum pedatum) • North Carolina, June, 2022
Whyah Bald, North Carolina, June, 2022
This last week Franca and I went to Cullowhee, North Carolina to the Southern Lepidopterist’s Society annual meeting. There were about 75 people attending. The attendees range in age from 25-26 to 80+ years. There were both men and women and several ethnic groups represented, no African Americans. We ventured into the North Carolina countryside on a field trip and on succeeding days we were shown evidence of the research many of the participants have been involved with for years of their lives. All of them were quite impressive.
Much of the data explanation was difficult for me to mentally resolve absent the time it would take to do the research myself, but the enthusiasm of the presenters carried the day. These folks are dedicated to knowing as much as possible about butterflies and moths. They are an amazing bunch.
The field trip revealed to me where I stand in the natural world. I’m interested in all of it. Over the 3 days we saw birds, butterflies, moths, beetles, snakes, dragonflies, damselflies, turtles, true bugs, picture-winged flies, harvestmen, snails, millipedes, larvae of many not to mention wildflowers and the greatest variety of trees I’ve seen in a while.
The highlight was the “field.” I appreciate the intense laboratory work these folks go through but it’s all out there, under the sun, sometimes under the leaves. Fine art wherever it’s encountered.